Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
Financial assistance may be available for those who qualify. Please feel free to contact our Trillium College Student Finance Advisors for more information and details regarding documentation required.
Key Performance Indicator and Loan Default Rates
As a Trillium College graduate, you will be contacted in a few months’ time regarding your participation in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Graduate Satisfaction Survey.
Out of Province Student Loans
Students from provinces outside of Ontario may also qualify for funding from the last province in which they resided for 12 consecutive months. For a list of provincial offices, please visit canlearn.ca website.
Employment Ontario
Second Careers is administered by the Ontario Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development (ASED) which helps laid-off workers re- train for a new career. If you were laid off any time after January 1, 2005 you are eligible to apply; including those who have taken an interim job to make ends meet. If you qualify, funding is available to support the cost of tuition, books, daycare, transportation and a basic living allowance.
Lifelong Learning Plan (RRSP)
The Lifelong Leaning Plan (LLP) allows you to withdraw money from your RRSPs to finance your education or that of your spouse or common-law partner. You can withdraw up to $10,000 per year, up to a total maximum of $20,000.
Registered Education Savings Plans
A student who is named under a family’s Registered Education Savings Plan may use these funds to cover the costs of education at an eligible post-secondary institution such as Trillium College.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
If you are a WSIB recipient or a surviving spouse, WSIB has funding resources for labour market re-entry. Speak to your case manager about re-training, which will help prepare you to get back into the work force.
Aboriginal/First Nations
If you are a registered Status Indian or Inuit (residing on or off the reserve) and plan on going back to school, you may be eligible for funding for your post-secondary studies if you register with an eligible educational institution such as Trillium College.